Scrapbook page 120


Snapshot of the Fudebakudo website from 1999. Yes, the advisor (originally called the mentor) has been telling people which martial art they should be doing for decades! Fudebakudo already existed offline (it appeared as a regular item in the fortnightly broadsheet “cartoon newspaper” The Cartoonist in 1993), but the book wasn’t published until 2003. This is the earliest version of I can find, from the Wayback Machine internet archive.

This also shows that the “advisor” was initially called the “mentor”. I renamed it because I had written a moderately intricate ELIZA-based Fudebakudo mentor that was triggered by martial keywords, with a “monastery webcam” and live chat featuring fake-typing-error effects. But there was no end to the detail the mentor wanted to comment on, so it never quite crossed the done-tweaking “finished” line, and never went live. The name changed to make way for it, and that was all.